

  • Dimensions: (w x h x d): 24 x 64 x 17 inches
  • Acrylic Painting Sculpture
  • Free Delivery in the U.S.
  • The sculpture comes disassembled in 3 parts: panel, legs and stand with welcome mat and can be quickly and easily reassembled in 5 minutes or less
  • For pricing and purchase, please follow the Inquire button


Brianna Speaks:
My favorite things are horses and riding horses even though I have only done it a couple of times. It was wonderful!!! I read a book about a princess that had a beautiful brown horse. She loved him very much and rode him every day. He was her best friend and she named him Lucky. That’s what I want – a big horse to love forever. And of course, I want a family to take me home and love me forever too. I don’t think I really want to be a princess, just have a regular family and a horse. And I don’t have to have candles on my birthday cake either just please make it chocolate. That’s all. I hope that’s not too much. Thank you.

Aunt Vallie’s Notes on Brianna:
Brianna is a golden haired 7 year old who is passionate about horses. Her long blond hair is usually in need of taming each morning but she patiently allows me to brush her hair without a struggle. She says that she will need to brush her horse someday and she stoically puts up with the pulling and untangling. Such a sweetie. Her birthday is a month away, but Brianna has told everyone that she is ”almost 8 years old” for the past 4 months since her arrival at the Inn. I asked her what special little thing she wanted on her birthday and of course she said a HORSE. When I told her that we didn’t have a bed big enough for a horse, she smiled and said she would settle for a birthday cake since she had never had one before. One chocolate cake with 8 candles will definitely be waiting for her on August 1st! I hope that someone who shares Brianna’s love for horses and more importantly, someone to love her unconditionally, will adopt her. She loves to be wherever you are, just patiently being with you in the moment, spreading her quiet and calm.

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